*** latex template ***
You must use the template provided by the IAU in the following link: https://www.iau.org/static/scientific_meetings/authors/ (please use symposium_paper.tex)
*** maximum number of pages ***
Invited speakers -> 15 pages (we encourage you to include outstanding questions and some discussion)
Contributed speakers -> 5 pages
Posters -> 2 pages (NOTE: as per the new IAU rules, poster papers will be online-only, and optional)
*** deadline ***
Please submit your paper by ***August 15th, 2019***.
*** how to submit ***
We will be using an online submission system to collect all submissions to the Proceedings volume. You should register to use this online submission system, found at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iau
All contributions must be submitted via this online site, and authors should take care to submit their contribution to the correct Symposium number (in this case 352) – this will have to be selected by the author from a dropdown menu on submission.